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Marketing Translation


Marketing Translation

Marketing translation is a specialized field within the broader domain of translation that focuses on adapting marketing materials and messages from one language to another while ensuring their effectiveness, cultural relevance, and impact in the target market. It involves the conversion of promotional content, advertising materials, product descriptions, slogans, websites, and other marketing assets from the source language into the target language, while maintaining the intended meaning, tone, and style.

The primary objective of marketing translation is to convey the same persuasive message and emotional impact to the target audience as the original content had on the source audience. However, this process goes beyond simple word-for-word translation. It requires a deep understanding of the target market’s culture, values, customs, and language nuances, in order to create content that resonates with and engages the target audience effectively.

One of the key challenges in marketing translation is the cultural adaptation of the content. Certain messages, imagery, humor, or even product names that work well in one culture might not have the same effect in another. That is why here at WLS Worldwide Services, we have a team of professional translators who possess cultural sensitivity and local knowledge to accurately adapt the content for the target market. This includes considering cultural references, idioms, social norms, and taboos to avoid any unintended misinterpretations or offensive content.

Moreover, marketing translation also involves the localization of the content. Localization encompasses adapting the content to suit the target market’s preferences, tastes, and local market requirements. This may involve modifying product specifications, measurements, currencies, and even adjusting colors, images, or design elements to align with the target market’s aesthetics. By tailoring the marketing materials to the local context, companies can enhance their brand perception and connect with their target customers more effectively.

What type of content is usually translated for marketing purposes? Here is a non-exhaustive list

  • Advertising campaigns
  • Product descriptions
  • Brochures and flyers
  • Websites
  • Social media content
  • Email marketing campaigns
  • Press releases
  • Packaging and labels
  • Presentations and slide decks
  • Video scripts and subtitles
  • Case studies and testimonials
  • Branding materials
  • SEO content
  • Sales and marketing collaterals
  • Event materials
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